Friday, February 15, 2008
Trade Rumors: Larry Fonacier to Purefoods TJ Giants?
With the ouster of the team in the quarterfinals by the Red Bull Barako, there are several trade rumors luring around as a superstar-laden Magnolia Beverage Masters failed to the expectations of many as the favorites this conference.
Magnolia Beverage Masters insider Than of the PBA forum sheds light to these rumors as well as his analysis of the poor performance of the team despite the rich talents in its lineup.
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Source: Than PBA Forum
Regarding the Business Mirror column about Fonacier to PF, its just plain rumor.
Why? Because teams in the semis cannot trade players. They can only change their roster via activation of players on their inactive list just in case someone got injured.
Then, theres also this rule that prohibits sister teams to do direct trades. They need a conduit team to make it happen.
With regards to JC Intal going to Ginebra, there were casual talks, i say Casual only & nothing concrete. Ginebra asst coach Allan Caidic wanted Intal even before this conference started but cannot close a deal at that time. Lets just wait & see if he can do it this time.
Now, touching on the Olsen Racela rumor, friends i've been in a read only mode the past couple of days & understand everyone's sentiments.But i guarantee you all that Olsen Racela doesnt carry any ill feelings against coach ST.It was already an agreement at the start of this conference that Olsen will play less minutes to prepare LA & back up Jonas for big time roles.
Olsen, the professional that he was, fully understood his new role with the team. He fully supports his protege's & was unselfish. He was like Danny Ildefonso to Eman & Enrico.
Olsen enjoys his transformation from being a court general to slowly but surely learning the ropes of coaching!He knows he's not getting young & needs to undergo transition.
Then lastly, about coach Siot's performance. Well, i was one of those believers of coach Siots abilities & brains in coaching. Im very happy when he almost salvage SMB last conference from being the 1st team almost got eliminated to being a team almost making it to the Final round.
But this conference is so different, honestly, coach ST was completely out coached in the Red Bull series by counterpart Yeng Guiao. No more excuses, he was completely out coached & he knows that.
The teams problem isn't familiarity, nor lack of talent either. Its making the players understand their ROLES with the team. MBM is the most talented team in papers, but papers cannot WIN games! The team is very disorganized because almost everyone except Danny I, Dondon, Wilson & Olsen, wanted to score whenever they had the ball.
Even point guard LA Tenorio keeps on driving to the basket before setting up plays for his other team mates. But sometimes, he's very hyper naman. Inconsistent as you may call it but understandable because he's still young & experience will be a good teacher.
Hontiveros & Tugade, two of the most feared off guards & slashers in the league were contented on taking a lot of 3's instead of maximizing their abilities to penetrate for a higher percentage shot or dish for a foul.
Larry Fonacier should be the designated hitman from the outside because thats his strength! He's not good in penetrations because he doesnt jump that high & a little bit small.
ST should design plays for him ala Allan Caidic of old when he gets double or sometines triple screens from his team mates to have a clear look at the basket.
Enrico Villanueva will not be the Ex-King Bull for nothing! But what happened to him in Magnolia Beverage Masters? Plays designed for him is to pop out the rainbow are, receive the ball, then throw it to the 3 point shooter(Hontiveros or Tugade or Calaguio). If they missed the shot, NO opportunity for an offensive rebound because he was outside the shaded area. Worst, he was frequently called for a pushing foul. That was the very common play ST used, that other coaches learned to adjust. He must give Enrico some plays that will show he's true strenght as a Bull strong power forward/center!
Ditto with Samigue Eman & Dorian Pena! Eman shows some promise at the start of the conference but suddenly went out of ST's rotation! He must prove himself in practice from now on. Thats the consequence of being on a very deep team in your rookie season!
Dorian Pena? Well he was placed on the unrestricted list for quite sometime, 1 team i know wanted to get him but he declined because his loyalty is with the SMC franchise.
Danny Seigle is Danny Seigle! He will almost always look to score than to pass! Why? Because thats his role ever since! He's not trained to defend nor to be a playmaker! He's the Asaytono of the Ron Jacobs Era! The only player that time with license to shoot! To live or die with him!
But now is a different case, this years SMB/MBM team is 3 times more talented than the Jacobs team. Danny Seigle should learn to change his game!
Now, who would make Hontiveros & Tugade maximize their strenghts?Who would make LA Tenorio be a consistent pass first point guard?Who would make Enrico Bull strong again?Who would make Larry Fonacier the next Allan Caidic?Who would make Samigue Eman a force inside the paint?Who would make Danny Seigle understand his not alone anymore?
Mr. Danding Cojuangco? The Ball Boys? Their Families? The Media?... should be the coach!!!
But can't blame him, maybe 14 egos were too much for him to handle. So, whats the remedy? Replace him? or Let him learn for himself how to handle 14 EGOS by making them embrace & understood each & everyones ROLE within the team!
Posted by
11:15 AM
Labels: Larry Fonacier, Than's Analysis, Trade Rumors
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